Sunday 8 June 2008

Donatella says she played cupid for Halle

Fashion designer Donatella Versace has said that she played the part of matchmaker for actress Halle Berry and model Gabriel Aubry.
Speaking to People magazine, she said: "Of course, I was at the [photo] shoot when they met."
"I know him very well. I pushed a little bit. I said, 'Why don't you go out together.' I said it in front of them. It went well at the shoot."
Referring to the 2005 Versace photoshoot, the designer said: "It was a moment when both of them were single. And they are both such nice people."
Speaking about Berry and Aubry's newborn daughter, she said that she believed the baby is "fantastic looking".
"I cannot imagine a better looking baby than this one."